Muslim Mental health and wellbeing in Ramdan and Coronavirus
Join Ayesha Aslam live on Facebook and Instagram. This is the second in the series discussing your well-being in these exceptional times...
The Psychological Impact of Social Isolation and Tips on How to Make This Easier
The Psychological Impact of Social Isolation and Tips on How to Make This Easier With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, more and more people are...
Invest in your Marriage – It’s worth it
Following on from the Happily Ever After Event, Ayesha Asalm will go through the most important things to do for a better marriage. You will find...
7 pieces of advice for every Muslim losing a loved one
إِنَّا لِلَّهِ وَإِنَّ إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ Innā lillāhi wa innā ilayhī rājiʿūn Surely we belong to Allah and to him shall we return...
Happily Ever After 2 – Covering before, during and after marriage
Muslim Marriage event - Covering the cycle of marriage. Due to Popular demand we are holding another marriage event which talks about real...
11 Secrets to a Happy Marriage
11 Secrets to a Happy Marriage We currently have more Muslim couples coming to our counselling services and have put together the secrets to a...
Ladies evening of the year
Get ready for an evening full of Entertainment, Glitz & Glamour!!! Exclusive to Ladies only (Girls 10 yrs+)! Our guest Speaker includes...
Premarital counselling
Pre-Marital counselling Ayesha Aslam discusses the importance of pre-marital counselling.Live on Islam ChannelShow: Womens AMDate and...
Islamic Counselling courses
Islamic Counselling Courses. Our academic year is starting soon. Kick start your career in becoming a fully qualified professional counsellor. We...