Invest in your Marriage
Following on from the Happily Ever After Event, Ayesha Asalm will go through the most important things to do for a better marriage. You will find this one day event a valuable resource covering;
- Communication
- Common Pitfuls to avoid
- Love language
- Goal to build a strong marriage
- much more
Did you know that even when your marriage has reached breaking point by going to counselling and having the right therpaist you will get your marriage back on track.
Proior to the event:
Once registered you will be given a questionnare to complete, this will be analysed and your feedback will be disccussed on the day.
Please note places are limited and you will need to purchase your ticket in advance. You will be refused entry if you do not have a valid ticket. For further details Contact Us
About Ayesha Aslam:
She is a qualified and highly experienced Couple and Systemic therapist with over 8 years working with couples, providing educational talks to the community and has received praise for her work in Islamic counselling. You can read all about her by Googling Ayesha Aslam Sakoon.
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