Our Portfolio

Our clients come from a diverse cultural background based in the UK as-well as Worldwide. We have clients from Saudi, Qatar, Dubai, Holland, Morroco, Phoenix, New York, Pakistan all via Skype.

Below are just some of the Organisations we have provided training for

Local schools, Social services, Midwifes…………

SANDS – Still Birth and Neonatal Death Charity

Gardens of Peace – The largest Muslim Burial service in the UK

Fosis Wales – The voice of Muslim Students since 1963

Norwich Mind – UK’s largest mental health charity

Bedford Mind – UK’s largest mental health charity  –

Victim support – A charity helping people cope with the effects of crime

Association of Muslim Chaplains – Supporting Muslim Chaplains in Education

Al Magrib – Learning Education Institute

Muslim Mediation Service – Provides Mediation service to resolve conflicts

Work with provides off Muslim Matrimonial services

For all our partners please visit our Facebook page

Sakoon has appeared on the following TV and Radio channels :-

  • Unity FM
  • Ramadan radio
  • Islam Channel
  • Hayat Channel

Keynote speaker at

  • Islamic Psychology conference 2011 www.BMEhealth.org
  • Mosques
  • UEL
  • Inclusive Mosque Initiative